Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Playing catch up...This may get long!

I have really been a slacker when it comes to blogging lately!  Sorry everybody!  I have just had so much going on and I am completely exhausted all of the time now.
Let's see where should I begin??
Well I guess nothing really exciting has been going on with the exception of the shower that took place Sunday.  It was so much fun and Ava got so much stuff!!! I mean seriously wait until you see the pics...the kid got anything and everything anyone could think of... The girls did a GREAT job!  Everything was so cute with the colors of the nursery spread all around Marc's house, and Cannon even got Marc to wear his pink collared shirt lol.  Seriously though I really could not have asked for a better baby shower!  Thanks to all who made it possible!!! So without further delay here are some of my favorite pictures from the fabulous event...
Proud Mommy-to-Be
and Daddy-to-Be (yes he did attend lol)...
The spread...Jenn did such a great job with the sandwiches and picking out the cupcakes and getting Terry to put his girly touch on the fruit tray:)
Ben could not come from Savannah with Brittney (BOOOO!!!) but he did send his very own gift for Timmy... it included a package full of Winchester ear plugs lol
Sue put this fab basket together for had all kinds of stuff in it...
including Ava's very first UGA book!!! GO DAWGS!!!!
Meghan made Ava's gift specially for her... an adorable little dress and blanket to match!  
Big Tim and Vivian got this darling night light...I didn't get a picture with it at the shower so I took one at home...
me and my mom and two sisters...
Sue, Me, Jenn...
Me and the Hostesses...
And this is the enormous amount of stuff that I went home and spread out in her room...
Again thanks to everyone for everything that was gifted and for all of the hard work that was put in to hosting this shower...Tim, Ava, and I are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and family!!
Since the shower I have purchased the last of the furniture to be placed in the nursery... 
the rocker...
I bought it Sunday night and it has been shipped Site-to-Store so it should be here any day now.  I can't wait because it will complete my nursery.  The nursery just isn't complete until there is somewhere for me to rock my baby girl to sleep!  This will leave only two things for me to do for the nursery to be totally finished...make the bumper pads and wash and put up the enormous amount of stuff that we got Sunday.  I have full confidence that this can all be accomplished this weekend.  Maybe next week I can update with pictures of a completely put together nursery!!!
In other news, Monday marked 34 weeks so of course I had a 34 week check up with Dr. Umana on Tuesday.  He said that both mom and baby are doing good and he is proud of us.  As way of showing just how proud he is he told me that if we continue to be good patients then we can be induced at 38 or 39 weeks!  I was so excited to hear that because I know that by then I will be beyond ready!  For those of you looking for a specific date, well we won't know that until we make the plans, but I can tell you that this means we could have a baby girl anytime between March 23 and April 5 (actual due date)!!!!  I'm so excited and can't wait to hold her in my arms!
Well I think that that is all that I have new to share for right should be plenty to hold you over til next time:)

Its a BOY!

I am so behind on blogging...sorry!  This is a picture of Baby Shaw about two weeks ago...Robyn had to come down to Columbus to see Dr. Stauffer like I did early in my pregnancy.  All looks good with the little one, but even more exciting is that they were already able to tell that it is a BOY!  Here is the picture proof...
I'm so excited...I get to become a Mommy to a little girl and an Aunt to another nephew in one years time!  Can't wait!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Just had to share my new favorite morning drink... small decaf white chocolate latte from Dunkin Donuts.  Isn't it just the cutest little cup?!!  I put it next to my regular coffee cup to show the size.  There are two GREAT things about this little cup of morning joy:  1.  it is only $0.99 right now and 2. it is the perfect size...with a medium I always have about 1/4 of the drink leftover.  It is truly the simple things in life that make me happy:)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

32 Weeks (WARNING: this might get lengthy)

I am sorry for how long it has been since I have posted any updates!  I guess nothing very exciting has happened and I just haven't felt like there has been anything to update anyone on lol.  Yesterday marked 32 weeks...time is really flying.... 8 weeks or less until we are holding our baby girl!  
The only thing that is going on is me being tired and completely uncomfortable all of the time.  But I try really hard to not spend my time complaining because I know that that will not make anything any better.  I try to stay as active as I far I am able to do pretty much anything as long as I take it in stride.  
Going to the grocery to do actual grocery shopping has gone out the window.  I pretty much just go in and get what I need for that moment and go back out, because trying to do anymore than that just wears me out completely and the pain in my pelvis gets to be unbearable after a certain amount of walking around.  
Everyone is constantly speculating as to how long I can make it (no one believes that I will be able to make it to April 5th) because they feel like I am just so big already and I won't be able to carry Ava for much longer.  I try to tell people that women do this everyday and have been doing this for forever and ever...God made me to carry my little girl around for 40 weeks.
 Saturday night I got a much appreciated "you don't really look that big" from Sissy (Jennifer's sister whose name is really Kerri but is called Sissy by family and friends and I have also adopted this name for her  because I have another friend named Carrie, and it gets confusing to people when I talk about Carrie and Kerri...long story short it is just easier to keep them straight by calling one Carrie and the other Sissy).  Okay, now that I have that long and probably not needed explanation out of the way, Thank. You. Sissy.  Quite honestly I feel HUGE and all I can think about is the fact that I am only going to get bigger over the coming weeks.
Anyway, I should really cut this thing off because I think I am just rambling at this here is a bump pic taken kinda looks like I am poking my belly out because of the way I am holding my hands but I promise you that I am not...I actually don't think that it is possible to poke my belly out at this is just kinda there lol.
And this is what says she looks like on the inside...
How far along?: 32 weeks

Total weight gain: 29 pounds

How big is baby?: between 3.75 and 4 pounds

Sex: Girl!

Maternity clothes?: of course

Stretch marks?: not yet (keeping my fingers crossed lol)

Sleep?: getting harder and harder

Best moment this week? hearing her heart beat at the doctor's appointment this morning

* Movement?: it is slowing down some because she does really have anywhere to go now, but when she does move it just about makes my whole body move lol

Labor signs?: nope thank goodness

* Food cravings?: coffee flavored drinks and sausage and biscuits...I could live off of those two things lol

Belly button in or out?: neither... it is just flat

What I miss: right now the two biggies would have to be sleep and wearing my contacts

* What I'm looking forward to: seeing my mom and sisters tomorrow, and then my baby shower next Sunday

Words of Wisdom: can't think of anything off the top of my head


I feel like it is now safe to make the announcement...drum roll please.... I am going to be an Aunt again!!! Robyn and Michael are expecting!!! Due date is August 17, 2010!  
This will be Robyn's second child and Michael's is the first picture of baby Shaw...